OpenFOAM Cluster install with GCC and OpenMPI

OpenFOAM (Open Field Operationa and Manipulation) is a computational fluid dynamics toolbox which simulates "anything from complex fluid flows involving chemical reactions, turbulence and heat transfer, to solid dynamics, electromagnetics and the pricing of financial options." All this and free and open source as well.

Note that this installation instructions are substantially different to the version 1.5 install instructions.

Changing List Owners (and much more) in Mailman

Recently a staff member left the business for an extended holiday and beyond (congratulations). He was however the owner and moderator of almost fifty Mailman mailing lists. This would take "a while" if one had to change the ownerships manually on the Mailman web interface. Strangely, there seemed to no obvious command-line tool in the Mailman /bin directory.

Removing a Book from Drupal

The Drupal "Book" module is pretty awesome is you want to create structured content of any type which is very common. Removing or re-ordering a page from a book is pleasantly easy; simply select outline on the child-page and the options are there.

But what if you want to remove the top-level page from the book? Well, in what constitutes a slight failing of the Drupal module, the normal method simply isn't available, although there has been some valiant efforts to patch the problem.

FFTW Installation with Intel, PGI, and GCC compilers

"Fastest Fourier Transform in the West" (FFTW) is a C subroutine library for computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions, of arbitrary input size, and of both real and complex data (as well as of even/odd data, i.e. the discrete cosine/sine transforms or DCT/DST).

Search box (etc) Positioning in Drupal7

It is not uncommon for front-end designers (the polite phrase to use when people say what a website should look like and don't doing any coding themselves) ask for a search box or similar elements to be located outside the standard blocks in Drupal. Without some background knowledge, this can be somewhat frustrating.

VASP 5.2 With Intel Compilers on 64-bit AMD Opteron Cluster CentOS Linux

VASP With Intel Compilers on 64-bit AMD Opteron Cluster CentOS Linux

Whilst the Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package is a popular scientific application among those who like to engage in such things previous comments relating to licensing and installation still largely apply. A new version of VASP has been released resulting in great rejoicing.

Append to Drupal Node Body From Specific Content Types

Imagine you have a situation where you want to append Body content to a number of Drupal pages, according to content type.

e.g., to all "Stories" content add "Please contact Mr. Blah on 0400 123 123" at the end of the Body.

You don't want this as block either - it's the sort of thing that (for example) must be printed. It has to be appended in the 'Body' section of the node.

If this is a couple of pages perhaps you could just copy and paste. But for larger numbers this is not recommended. Imagine if you had to modify twenty nodes, or two thousand.

En Masse Conversion of Documents to PDF

Clients from Hell is a favourite place for web designers and developers to visit for laughter, or a relief from blood-curdling rage through affirmation. But every so often there is a comment from a supposedly frustrated designer or developer that makes one think that the comment is not so stupid.

LUV President's Report to the Annual General Meeting, September 2011

The role of President from September 2010 to September 2011 period was initially one of accident; in my role as Public Officer I attended the Annual General Meeting and left the evening as President of the association. Thrown into this somewhat unexpected role I set as a priority ensuring that we had speakers for our LUV-main and LUV-beginners events, which was achieved quite quickly. Previous experience on the committee indicated that there is nothing worse than a last-minute panic to find speaker.
