willsmere's blog

The Willsmere Cup

Like an increasing number of Australians I'm not going to partake in the Melbourne Cup "the race that stops a nation", at least not in a traditional manner. Such events cause trauma and death on the track, often enough, and the last race is always to the knackery. The horse racing industry is unnecessary and cruel.

I'll just leave this here for those who want to learn more:


Walk on the Wild Side; "A Curious Incident" At Willsmere

In 1856, Ellen Tremayne, a housemaid, travelled to Australia aboard the Ocean Monarch. But Ellen travelled with a trunk full of male attire bearing the name "Edward De Lacy Evans". Was Ellen really a man impersonating a woman? Speculation was rife aboard the ship, with inneudo that he was forming "sexual attachments" with the women he shared a cabin with, including one Rose Kelly, Mary Montague, and Mary Delahunty.

Typhoid At Kew Asylum

A report by Dr Inglis (health officer), - concerning the outbreak of typhoid at Kew asylum, was submitted to the borough council at its meeting on Tuesday evening. It was shown that every precaution was being taken to prevent the spread of the disease from those known to be infected. Two tent hospitals are now in use - one at the Idiot asylum and the other at the main building. Trained nurses from outside the regular staff were employed to attend solely to the typhoid patients and suspected cases. Incinerators are in use, and no expense is being spared to combat the disease.

Kew Lunatic Asylum. Outbreak of Typhoid Fever.

All efforts of the authorities to suppress the outbreak of typhoid fever in the idiot branch of the Kcw Lunatic Asylum have so far proved fruitless. Since the inquest on one of the victims eight additional cases have occurred, making nine altogether. During the present week three nurses on duty in the typhoid division contracted the disease, and also one patient. Out of 18 cases reported since the disease first made its appearance in the asylum five of the patients are nurses.

From the Kalgoorlie Miner, Thursday 1 August 1907, p6

Typhoid At Kew Asylum. Peculiar Theory

Dr. Jones, inspector-general for the insane thinks that at last his department is upon the trail of the typhoid germ at tho Kew Lunatic Asylum. There have recently been several deaths from typhoid fever at that institution, but though the authorities have sought for a reason for a so persistent occurrence of the disease, they have not hitherto been able to point with confidence to any particular cause. Now, however, they believe that they can do so.

Typhoid At Kew. Idiot Asylum Outbreak

The inspector-general of insane (Dr. Ernest Jones) has prepared a report in reply to criticisms in connection with the outbreak of typhoid fever at the idiot asylum at Kew. Dr. Jones points out that the first two cases were nursed by hospital trained nurses in the main asylum, and when the epidemic there had ceased they were transferred to the idiot asylum, and isolated in the hospital annexe. Directly it appeared certain that the idiot asylum was producing other cases of typhoid infection a hospital trained nurse was secured.

New South Wales, The Cornwall Chronicle, 19 August 1863

New South Wales, The Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, Tas. : 1835 - 1880) Wednesday 19 August 1863

NEW SOUTH WALES. Sydney, 12th August. The breach of promise case, Holmes v. Robinson, has resulted in a verdict for the plaintiff — damages £1OO. The weather continues very wet and stormy. Three bushrangers, one of whom is supposed to be Ben Hall, have been captured at Murrundi.

Samuel Amess, Builder of Willsmere

Samuel Amess was the stonemason who received the contract to build Willsmere, constructed between 1864 and 1872. Initially planned according to the design of G.W. Vivian and Frederick Kawerau of the Victorian Public Works Office, worked was halted almost immediately with reports of inferior works on the foundations. An investigation followed and Frederick Kawerau resigned. Samuel Amess was brought in and continued construction using Vivian and Kaweru's designed.
