A collection of other reviews and incidentals.
Music Reviews
Mostly live gigs, some albums etc. Mostly from Rocknerd, The Dwarf, and METIOR.
The Garbage and The Flowers: In Valhalla (2023), Live at The Tramway Hotel (2024)
Duolingo Music
Carbon Based Lifeforms: Seeker (2023)
Valedictions, Klaus Schulze
Valedictions, Vangelis
maybeshewill, No Feeling Is Final
Pop Will Eat Itself, Sept 10 Corner Hotel
Ride, The Forum, November 30
Daniel Sloss, Hamer Hall, May
The War of the Worlds: The Book, the Radio Drama, The Musical Version, The Film
Art Damage Through Self-Referentiality (art theory article)
Mark Burgess: View from a Hill (book review)
65 dos, replicr (2019)
Grum: Deep State (2019)
Valedictions Andy Gill (obituary)
We Lost The Sea, Melbourne 20191130
We Lost The Sea, Truimph and Disaster
Gang of Four, Melbourne, November 2019
Tears for Fears, Rule The World: Greatest Hits (2017)
The Cure, Sydney Opera House, May 2019
Underworld, Sydney Opera House, June 2019
Gary Numan, Songs from a Broken World (2017)
The The, Melbourne, October 2018
Blue Man Group, Berlin July 2018
The Chameleons, Melbourne, January, 2018
Snog and Severed Heads, November 2017
Blade Runner 2049 Soundtrack
Those Crazy Socialist Juggalos
Peter Hook and the Light, Melbourne, October, 2017
The Residents, Melbourne, March 2016
Central Belters, Mogwai
65daysofstatic, Barcelona, October 4 2016
65daysofstatic, No Man's Sky
New Order, Music Complete
New Order, Sydney Opera House, June 4, 2016
Shriekback, Without Strings or Real Fish (2015)
Jesus and Mary Chain, 30th Anniversary Psychocandy March 7th 2016, The Forum
The fall of The Fall, October 2015
The Charlatans, Modern Nature
Last Words, Muzzle
Menace Beach Rat World album review
Psychocandy, Jesus and Mary Chain Tribute, 10th January, 2015
Underground Lovers, 20th December
Nick Cave: 20000 Days on Earth and QandA Session, 19th December
Notes on the Accounting of Musical Taste
Philosophy of Music, presentation to the Melbourne Philosophy Forum
Skinny Puppy, Weapon
Yours Is No Disgrace: A Small Selection of 'Yes' Trivia
Yes, 18th November, 2014
65daysofstatic, Wild Light
Radio Birdman boxed set
Radio Birdman, 4th November, 2014
Dream Theater, 29 October 2014
Pop Crimes, 24 October 2014
Dead Kennedys , 1 October 2014
Pop Will Eat Itself, September 7, 2014
Pop Will Eat Itself, New Noise Designed By A Sadist
Archive, Axiom
Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine, 11 May 2013
Midge Ure, 19 April, 2013
Simple Minds, Devo, The Church: Palais, November 30, 2012
Sisters of Mercy, March 1st, 2012
The Damned, January 20, 2012
The Clouds, The Wonder Stuff, Jesus Jones: August 19, 2011
Leftfield, March 18, 2011
Hawkwind, March 12, 2011
Gary Numan, Severed Heads, May 14, 2011
Tears for Fears, Spandau Ballet, April 2010
RPG Reviews
Many reviews of traditional pen-and-paper RPG games and supplements.
Call of Cthulhu Roleplaying Game (D20)
Cthulhu Dark Ages
Call of Cthulhu HP Lovecraft's Dreamlands
Delta Green
GURPS Cthulhupunk
The Morrow Project
Heaven and Earth
D&D 3e The Apocalypse Stone
Monsters! Monsters!
GURPS Aliens
AD&D2e Monstrous Manual
Hunter: The Reckoning
Hero Wars: Anaxial's Roster
Call of Cthulhu Malleus Monstrorum
In a Wicked Age
Albedo (2nd edition
The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game Core Book
Lords of Creation
Rifts: Path of the Storm
Rifts Dimension Book 14: Thundercloud Galaxy
Rifts World Book 1: Vampire Kingdoms New Revised Edition
Other Worlds
Space Opera
Eclipse Phase
Space: 1889
RuneQuest II Core Rulebook
RuneQuest 6th Edition
Blade & Crown
GURPS Basic Set Third Edition Revised
Dark Heresy
Call of Cthulhu Fifth Edition
Twilight: 2000
GURPS Cyberpunk
Shadowrun (2nd edition
Open Game Table: The Anthology of Roleplaying Game Blogs, Volume I
Open Game Table: The Anthology of Roleplaying Game Blogs, Volume 2
Cyberpunk 2020
Trail of Cthulhu
Torg Starter Set
Powers & Perils
Perilous Lands
3:16 Carnage Amongst The Stars
The Terran Trade Authority Roleplaying Game
Dragon Age: Dark Fantasy Roleplaying Set 1
King Arthur Pendragon (Fourth Edition)
The Riddle of Steel
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Beta Playtest
Mouse Guard Roleplaying Game
Houses of the Blooded
The Arduin Adventure
Gamma World (1st edition
Cannibal Contagion
HeroQuest Core Rules (second Edition)
Fallen Leaves
Wordplay: The Big Five
Fox Magic
AD&D D2: Shrine of the Kuo-Toa
The Traveller Book
Kill Puppies for Satan
AD&D D3: Vault of the Drow
HeroQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha (1st edition)
AD&D Q1: Queen of the Demonweb Pits
Legend of the Five Rings (1st edition)
Mongoose RuneQuest Deluxe Edition
Basic RolePlaying: The Chaosium Roleplaying System
Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Core Rulebook Gift Set
Dragon Warriors
Middle Earth Role Playing
RuneQuest (1st and 2nd edition)
Earthdawn Gamemaster's Compendium
AD&D D1: Descent into the Depths of the Earth
AD&D G3: Hall of the Fire Giant King
RuneQuest Broken Tree Inn
AD&D G2: The Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl
Stormbringer Rogue Mistress
Mythweaver: The Splintered Realm
Seven Leagues
Earthdawn Player's Compendium
AD&D G1: Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
DC Heroes (3rd edition
Superhero 2044
AD&D Tomb of Horrors
RuneQuest Snake Pipe Hollow
GURPS Bunnies & Burrows
Rolemaster Campaign Law
Rolemaster Character Law & Campaign Law
GURPS Religion
RuneQuest Gods of Glorantha
AD&D (1st edition) Dieties & Demigods
AD&D In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords
Miami Nights
Rolemaster Spell Law (1st and 2nd editions)
RuneQuest Daughters of Darkness and the Chronicles of Santon
AD&D (1st edition) Dungeons Masters Guide
Rolemaster: Arms Law and Claw Law (1st and 2nd editions)
DragonQuest(1st, 2nd, and 3rd editions
AD&D (1st edition) Monster Manual
AD&D (1st Edition) Players Handbook
AD&D U3: The Final Enemy
RuneQuest (3rd edition) Deluxe
AD&D A3: Assault on the Aerie of the Slavelords
Megatraveller: Rebellion Sourcebook
AD&D U2: Danger at Dunwater
AD&D U1: The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
Megatraeller: Imperial Encyclopedia
RuneQuest: Elder Secrets of Glorantha
AD&D A2: Secret of the Slavers Stockade
AD&D A1: Slave Pits of the Undercity
Traveller: The Chamax Plague/Horde
Megatraveller: Referee's Manual
Megatraveller: Player's Manual
Æsheba: Greek Africa
Dorastor: Land of Doom
Cloudlords of Tanara
D&D B1: In Search of the Unknown
Over The Edge
Fantasy Imperium
Book Reviews
From TiconderogaOnline
Firmin: Adventures of a Metropolitan Lowlife, Sam Savage (2008)
The Last Witchfinder, James Morrow (2007)
Hidden Empire, A Forest of Stars, Kevin J. Anderson (2005, 2004)
Flow My Tears The Policeman Said, Phillip K. Dick (FP, 1974)
Blackbeard: The real pirate of the Caribbean (Ticonderoga Online, Issue 11)
Gene of Isis, Traci Harding (Ticonderoga Online, Issue 05)
Film Reviews
Blade Runner 2049, Livejournal Cyberpunk Community, November 2017
LLiterary Criticism and Improvements in ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’, March 20002
Divorcing Jack, Festivale, April 1999
Pithy: Or, Gothic Literature Within Modernity, published in the Perth Gothic 'zine, "Broken Doll. February, 2002