
ET MFAC Wiring closet

A Traveller's Dictionary in Tetun-English and English-Tetun. Transcription of Cliff Morris' dictionary, first published in 1992 by Baba Dook Books 3 Hoadley Ave Frankston, Australia 3199

Systems Administration in the Fourth World,Presentation to the System Administrators Guild of Australia Annual Conference, Brisbane 2004, Published in Conference Proceedings

Wrestling the Crocodile, Presentation at Victoria University of Technology’s "Cooperating With Timor Leste" Conference, June 2005, published in Development Bulletin No. 68, October 2005, Australian National University

Citizenship, Local Autonomy and Universal Rights: Prospects for Timor-Leste. Presentation to Deakin University's "East Timor Studies Symposium", June 2005

Reference by Jose Ramos-Horta on time spent working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Timor-Leste, September 2003.

Submission to Council of Ministers on the .tp Domain Name and the Official English National Name of "Timor Leste", June 2003

Neon-komputadór: Computer Users Manual, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Democratic Republic of East Timor 2003. Printed by the United Nations Development Programme in English and Portuguese, 2003.

East Timor: At A Glance, 2002