Kaben par Andre no Catharina.
Kaben par Andre no Catharina.Istoria ida iha Tetum, Lingua iha Timor Lorosa'e. Ho inspirisaun ba Connie Willis. Para Leonardo do Lafayette. Bom dia hau-nia kolega, Hau hakarak ko'alia istoria ida kona ba kaben par Andre no Catharina. Istoria ne iha kona ba mestri bulak no labele sasan, Andre iha mane di'ak, maibe tetebes kiak. Nia-nian Lurai ko'alia, "Nebe labele sasan! Ita la kaben! Atan Maibe Mestri Bulak ko'alia, "Hau hanoin Atan bele Catharina no Andre tetebes laran sasar no tuak. Los, Maibe sira hadomi tetebes forti, para sira ba dalan ba Iha loron ba monu Be Buan halo nia-mamosuk. Nia Be Buan tetebes kontenti. "Di'ak!", nia ko'alia, Catharina tanis: "Fali! Fali ita tenki halo labele Depois sira ba lorosa'e iha noite, ba ai mahar, ho Fodak, Catharina hare asu ida aparisuan! Asu hare iha "Ami kokorda!", koalia Catharina no Andre, no sira Catharina no Andre fo obrigadu asu aparisuan no fila (Maibe lae lurai ne, tamba nia iha mane krakat). |
The Marriage of Andrew and Catherine.A Story in Tetum, the language of East Timor. With inspiration from Connie Willis. By Lev Lafayette Good morning my friends, I want to tell you a story about the marriage of This story is about a crazy professor and impossible Andrew was a good man but very poor. His family only The King said, "This is an impossible thing! You But the Crazy Professor said, "I think slaves can Catherine and Andrew were very sad and scared. Truly, But their love was very strong, so they went along the When the sun had set the Water Witch made her The Water Witch was very pleased. "Good!", she said, Catherine cried: "Again! Again we must do the Then they walked east in the night, through the thick Suddenly, Catherine saw a ghostly dog! The dog looked "We agree!", said Catherine and Andrew, and they were Catherine and Andrew thanked the dog-ghost and (Except the King, because he's a grump) |