
Installing NAMD 2.7b1 on a 64-bit AMD Opteron Cluster running CentOS 5 Linux

NAMD is a parallel molecular dynamics code for large biomolecular systems. Version 2.7b1 has some advantages over 2.6 and an extensive user's guide.

Download the tarball (registration required), put it somewhere sensible (e.g., /usr/local/src/NAMD) and unpack (tar xvf NAMD_2.7b1_Source.tar.gz) and enter that directory.

Letter to Conroy

Dear Senator Conroy,

By way of introduction I am a systems administrator for a high-performance computing centre critical for researchers in your state. You may also remember me working on IT support for the Victorian Parliamentary Labor Party for a number of years.

I am writing to you concerning the proposed "mandatory 'clean feed' internet service" which you expressed last year in "Labor's Plan for Cyber-safety".

Harlequin: An Obituary

On Saturday, February 26, 2005, Harelquin the rat died.

He had been in decline for some time, his back legs slowly giving up. On Thursday evening he had stopped eating altogether which caused great concern. However on Friday evening the presentation of some oat and apple baby food was graciously accepted.

Kaben par Andre no Catharina.

Kaben par Andre no Catharina.

Istoria ida iha Tetum, Lingua iha Timor Lorosa'e. Ho inspirisaun ba Connie Willis.

Para Leonardo do Lafayette.

Bom dia hau-nia kolega,

Hau hakarak ko'alia istoria ida kona ba kaben par Andre no Catharina.

Istoria ne iha kona ba mestri bulak no labele sasan,
folia rai ida, lahatene rai, hanoak ahioan ida,
relojiu ahi ida (nebe tenki hadia), be buan ida, no
At-Loron Livre ne. Be ko'alia nada kona ba asu.

East Timor At A Glance

Originally posted on the IT Timor email list.

Location: Eastern section of Timor Island, the enclave of Ambeno and Atauro and Jaco islands. Capital Dili is located at c125.5 deg E and c8.5 deg S.

Geography: Rugged mountains up to 3,000 metres with 44% of land area on a slope of c40% and higher. Coastal plains.

Climate: Hot and Wet. Average temperature 21 deg C, average humidity 80%. Monsoon season between November and April.
